

Government Type: Deiarchy

Current Leader: Kraken Overgod


Economic Type:

Species Demographics: 80% tako, 15% sahuaghin, 2% sea giant, 3% other


Nominal Alignment: CE


"Should the Three have been put to death instead of exiled, so much would have been better in the world.  Mercy is a sign of the weak.  It's a lesson the Three learned well..."

- Tako warning


Ancient legend tells of three tako kings being exiled for their depravity and wickedness.  It is said that these exiles roamed the seas gathering up their power and stoking their desire for revenge.  It is said that the kraken are the inheritors of this legacy, and that they have come back to reclaim their empire.  Whether or not these legends are true is unknown, though all kraken take great pride in tracing their lineage back to those three tako kings.


Regardless of their origin, the kraken appeared in the Blood Sea several centuries ago and brought with them a reign of terror.  Several have forged an alliance, joining together under one banner to subjugate the southern Tagrinoori provinces.  This is Carrthabob.  The tako under their rule have suffered over the centuries and many have been twisted by dark ways.


Though powerful, the kraken are their own worst enemies.  The alliances holding Carrthabob together are thin, however the recent death of the renegade Quailjayn has done much to strengthen them.  They have turned their eyes from Tagrinoori to the Orluian Kingdoms and the anguillian puppet lords, and their resolve for conquest is growing.


Abyssal Guard

Aptly named for more than one reason, the Abyssal Guard are a group of elite tako warriors who are personally trained by their kraken overgods.  Based from the depths of the lightless sea in Carrthabob, these fanatics undertake missions of the greatest importance for their overlords.  Many are large specimens of their race, and some say that they have inherited (or been granted) a portion of their masters powers.